Makemon – Create Single or Multiple Monitor Mode WiFi Interfaces


Make a single (or up to 10) monitor mode wireless interfaces with unique mac addresses.


# makemon by Yokai Seishinkage #

Make a single (or up to 10) monitor mode wireless interfaces with unique mac addresses.


1.) iw
2.) macchanger


Move “makemon” to “/usr/bin/” directory/folder or any directory you choose and make an
alias to it in your .bashrc file and make the file executable. That’s it.

[php]git clone[/php]

[php]cd makemon
cp makemon /usr/bin/
chmod +x /usr/bin/makemon[/php]

One Line Install

[php]git clone && cd makemon && cp makemon /usr/bin/ && chmod +x /usr/bin/makemon[/php]

Launch script using makemon

choose and make an alias to it in your .bashrc file.

[php] nano ~/.bashrc[/php]


Enter “makemon” as a terminal command. Then follow the prompts.

Extra Info

This tool does not use “macchanger” to generate mac addresses. It, instead, uses macchanger
to compare the randomly generated mac with macchanger’s mac vendor list to make sure the mac is


This tool is released to the public in the hopes that it will be useful. This has not been coded
in the most perfect and absolutely best manner. This is done intentionally to spur users into
looking into bash programming on their own and figure out ways to help improve open source tools
and the open source community. Cheers!!

If this script came in useful please consider giving credit to the author at Github.

Github Repo

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