SeeCLRly – Fileless SQL Server CLR-based Custom Command Execution

Fileless SQL Server CLR-based Custom Stored Procedure Command Execution

For more info about the techinque, please visit

This techinque will allow for the execution of commands on a comprompised Microsoft SQL Server in a novel, fileless manner. The PowerShell module consists of two cmdlets:

  1. New-CLRProcedure – This cmdlet enables CLR stored procedures on the SQL Server, reconfigures it, loads the Dot Net assembly into memory, then creates a stored procedure from the loaded assembly.
  2. Invoke-CmdExec – This cmdlet passes a specified command to the previously created stored procedure, where it is then executed.


First, import the module:

import-module SeeCLRly.ps1

Next, use the New-CLRProcedure cmdlet to create a custom stored procedure on the target SQL Server:

Add-CLRProcedure -Server MSSQL

Finally, use the Invoke-CmdExec cmdlet to execute commands on the target server:

Invoke-CmdExec -Server MSSQL -Command "mkdir c:\temp"


  • Create another cmdlet to remove the custom stored procedure from the SQL Server
  • Allow for the name of the assembly and the stored procedure to be changed via paramaters.



Command Execution with SQLi via SeeCLRly

SeeCLRly – Fileless SQL Server CLR-based Custom Stored Procedure Command Execution

CREDITS: sekirkity