WikiLeaks Revealed CIA Tool To Monitor Linux Network Traffic


WikiLeaks as part of Vault 7 leaks published documents from a project of CIA dubbed as ‘OutlawCountry‘. The documents published on Thursday on their website explains about a malware which probably CIA used to monitor the network traffic of Linux users. The two documents named as ‘OutlawCountry v1.0 User Manual‘ and ‘OutlawCountry v1.0 Test Plan‘ … Read more

Linux Machine Can Be Remotely Hijacked By Malicious DNS Response

linux systemd bug

Now Linux machines can be hacked using a malicious DNS response (TCP). An attacker just has to send a Psuedo DNS Response to the victim. This vulnerability has been discovered in Systemd, which is a popular service manager for Linux machines, it allows remote attackers to overflow the buffer to execute a malware on the … Read more