How To Protect My Student’s Data From Hackers?

Cyber Attacks Affect All

Hacking and cyber threats have been affecting various sectors and walk of life. The education sector is no exception with school hacks becoming a growing problem in the United States, as well as elsewhere in the world. This poses a myriad of challenges to students, parents, tutors, and college administrators. To prevent data loss, they take steps to harden computer systems to eradicate or minimize their vulnerability to external intrusion.

Students are at times most vulnerable to hacking because they cannot afford expensive services or equipment to protect their computers and data. Hackers take advantage of their vulnerability by installing malware, sending phishing messages, and other malicious methods. See our list of recommendations on the effective protective and preventive measures you can take to manage or mitigate the risk of

● Data management

Develop effective and need-driven data management practices. It is of critical importance to ensure that schools collect only essential data about students. On their part, students should exercise caution when they are asked to share personally identifiable information (PII). It is also advisable to refrain from sharing your social security number (SSN) unless absolutely necessary. This concerns parents’ SSNs too. In fact, the U.S. Department of Education does not require parents to share their SSNs due to the high risks related to identity theft.


● Network & account security

Ensure your security by using a virtual private network (VPN) every time you work online. VPNs help conceal your identity. Firewalls also help prevent unauthorized access to your network and account. Multifactor authentication is another great safety measure. Without a well-protected network and account, students looking for a professional dissertation writing service will face unnecessary delays in identifying and using a top-rated, legitimate, reliable, and trustworthy company to complete their assignments. It is equally important to use only secure Wi-Fi networks. If it’s not too urgent, it’s always a good idea to refrain from using Wi-Fi in public places to access data with your PII. Protect your software by constantly upgrading your antivirus and operating systems. In general, being disciplined about maintaining cyber hygiene has huge payoffs, so it would only be prudent and pragmatic of you to constantly seek preventive and protective solutions.

● Strong password

Using strong passwords is a must in today’s data-driven world. Make sure you use a combination of letters, symbols, and numbers to have a really tough password to crack. It’s also a good idea to use a mix of lower- and uppercase letters. It goes without saying that you should never use the numbers and names that are directly related to you. These include the dates of birth, SSNs, names of your family members, and other similar PII.

● Encryption

Data encryption is a recognized tool in protecting data and sensitive information. By encrypting data, you transform it into a code, which can only be accessed using a decryption key or a password. You are always on the safe side by using encryption to store information on your computer or share it over the internet or via your local network. Whatever the encryption method, make sure you talk to the ICT folks at your college to show you how to do it and which method to use. You can also use free online resources should you have to do it on your own.

● Training

Education and training should go hand in hand with cyber hardening and other protective measures. Hackers often lie in waiting to seize the right moment for an attack. They are extremely adept at spotting and taking advantage of human and technological vulnerabilities. Customized training sessions advance the skills of students learning cybersecurity and data protection methods. In addition, training in digital citizenship covers skills, behaviors, rights, and practices in the digital environment, which benefits students, teachers, and college administrators in equal measure. Luckily, many colleges offer regular data security awareness training sessions. Never consider these redundant, and always attend them even if you think you’re well versed in cybersecurity.

● Fishy email links and attachments

We all get extraneous information and emails every day. Some of them include prize or lottery winning notifications, bonus offers, or unbelievably profitable business proposals. Don’t be naive to accept and click any of these, playing into the hands of hackers. Hackers won’t waste much time taking advantage of any opportunity presented to them. They never fail to act quickly to go ahead and install malware on your computer, giving them unauthorized access to your data.

Bottom line

Protecting your student’s data is an absolute must to avoid the stress and damage inflicted by cyber attacks. Hackers have become extremely instrumental in developing new and innovative ways of stealing PII and other sensitive data. It is essential that students take measures to protect their privacy, data, and computer systems. Some of the key steps include data encryption, strong passwords, network, and account security, and regular training sessions. Not only will these efforts minimize the risk of data loss, but they will also save you extra costs related to data recovery.

Carl Hill has tons of experience in advising students, tutors, and college administrators on the best data protection methods. His inputs and recommendations have already resulted in practical hardening efforts undertaken by many colleges. As a professional writer and researcher, Carl has also carried out extensive research on the impacts of hacking on student performance and academic achievements.